Save Time With a Bridge Loan

Written by Cameron Brown

Save Time With a Bridge Loan

Why You Need a Bridge Loan

You have to move fast in today's housing market if you want to get intorepparttar home of your dreams. In cities such as Seattle or San Francisco it's not uncommon for a buyer to receive half a dozen offers withinrepparttar 141012 first day or two after puttingrepparttar 141013 house onrepparttar 141014 market.

Unless you have enough excess income to buy a second home without selling your current abode, you will have to playrepparttar 141015 timing game; finding a home to purchase while finding a buyer for your own. This can be especially sticky if you are buying in an area with a hotter market thanrepparttar 141016 one you're leaving. Most sellers won't be willing to accept 'contingent' offers (you buying their home is 'contingent' on you selling your home) because ofrepparttar 141017 overwhelming demand inrepparttar 141018 area manifest byrepparttar 141019 numerous potential buyers beating down their door.

Under these competitive conditions, a bridge loan may be just what you need to avoid missing out on a time sensitive real estate purchase. Not sure how to go about securing a bridge loan? Eventually you'll go through a bank or private lender to get a bridge loan, but it pays to knowrepparttar 141020 basics before you set foot intorepparttar 141021 local loan office.

Bridge Loan Basics

Strictly defined, a bridge loan is a form of second trust that is collateralized by your present home in a manner that allowsrepparttar 141022 proceeds to be used for closing on a new house beforerepparttar 141023 old house is sold.

A $40 Million Dollar Little Known Referral Strategy

Written by David Frey

Copyright 2005 David Frey

Would you like to know how a car wash chain with only 12 locations has cleaned over 33,373,975 cars and has an annual revenue of over $40 Million (that is not a misprint) using little to no paid advertising?

Well, sit forward because I'm about to tell you. The company name is "Car Spa" and here's how I discovered their brutally effective referral strategy. I often go to Taco Bell to have lunch and read a book. I noticed a little flyer next to their cash register.

A few days later I stopped in with my family to get a frozen yogurt and right next torepparttar cash register wasrepparttar 140991 same flyer.

The next day, I took my family to our favorite buffet restaurant and low and behold, there was a stack of Car Spa flyers.

I then started askingrepparttar 140992 people at these locations whatrepparttar 140993 deal was withrepparttar 140994 Car Spa flyer that they had next to their cash register and they all said that some old guy comes around every week and replinishes their stack.

I asked them, "Do you have some type of reciprocal arrangement with Car Spa?" They all said, "No...they asked if they could put their flyers there as a gift to our guests and we said sure."

Here's a copy ofrepparttar 140995 referral flyer that Car Spa uses to drive traffic.

Pretty simple. Noticerepparttar 140996 48 hour guarantee.


They're All Overrepparttar 140997 Place! ______________________________

Before you knew it, I started noticing their little discount flyers ALL OVER THE PLACE.

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